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Reason to Hire a Professional to Install Your Water Softener

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From the chance to have brighter and cleaner hair, skin, clothing, and dishes to the ability to save money and time cleaning, there are several benefits to installing a water softener in your home. Water softeners are available to purchase at your favorite home improvement store. However, before you decide to tackle installing the water softener yourself, realize there are several benefits to leaving this task to a professional. Here are a few of those benefits.

The Professional Will Test Your Water

If you have the telltale signs of hard water, including unruly soap scum in the showers or buildup in your dishwasher and washing machine, having your water tested is critical. Before your water softener is installed, the professional will test the water to determine the amount of calcium and other minerals in the water. This information is important to figure out which type of water softener to install in your home.

Installing the unit on your own and foregoing the professional water testing can actually wind up costing you money in the long run. If you do not install a water softener that is large enough to accommodate your water needs or that cannot handle the levels of calcium and other minerals in your water, this can result in underperformance, which in turn means tearing out this softener and installing a totally different unit.

The Professional Will Determine the Best Water Softener for Your Needs and Budget

You might not be aware of the wide variety of water softeners available to you. Here are a few of the most popular varieties of water softeners for your home:

  • Saltwater softener: A popular choice, a softener that uses salt to condition the water is a lower-cost option for homes that have very hard water.
  • Salt-free water softener: A more costly choice, a professional might not recommend this unit if your water is very hard.
  • Reverse osmosis softener: An environmentally conscious choice that does not require the homeowner to replace any salt. However, this is more costly upfront to install than other units.

If you purchase and install a water softener yourself, you might not buy the correct product for your needs or you might not understand the upkeep that is involved. Additionally, a professional can install the unit much more quickly and will have the tools and skills necessary to complete the job correctly the first time.

For most homeowners, hiring a professional to perform water softener installation is the best option. Contact a professional with any other questions you have about residential water softeners.
