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Add A Couple Of Side Chairs To Your Dining Room

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The right pieces of furniture can go a long way to improving the functionality, comfort, and look of your dining room. While your primary furniture in this space will be your table and chairs, it never hurts to think about what other pieces can have value in this part of your home. When you visit the dining room furniture section of a local furniture store, you'll commonly see a selection of side chairs. Depending on the square footage of your dining room, you may be able to find a spot for a couple of side chairs that you can set up against a wall but use when you need to add extra seating at your table. Keep these points in mind when you shop.

Compact Size

While you can certainly look for large side chairs if your dining room is vast, the majority of people have moderate-sized dining rooms. It makes sense to choose side chairs that have a compact size for this reason. Something between the size of a small folding chair and your primary dining room chairs can be ideal. These chairs will be large enough that they're comfortable for your guests, but also not so large that they add excess clutter to your dining room.

Complementary Look

It may be challenging to find side chairs that are a close match to your primary dining room chairs. Instead of trying to do so, you may favor looking for chairs that offer a complementary look by tying into the appearance of your dining room as a whole. For example, you might choose chairs that are close in color to the drapes that you have in this space. Or perhaps you have another piece of furniture — a buffet or a cabinet, for example — and look for side chairs that match it.

No Arms

If your main dining room chairs have arms, you probably appreciate the comfort that they offer. While you'll see some side chairs that also have arms, there are advantages to choosing a design that is devoid of this feature. When you place the side chairs around the table, this space can get crowded. Chairs that don't have arms will add less bulk to this area, as well as make it easier for those sitting in these chairs to slip out when they need to get up from the table. Browse a selection of side chairs for your dining room at a local furniture store.
